Friday, June 29, 2012

A Little Adventure With Cousin Jessica

Jess and I took a few little adventures this last week, One to Tounge River Resevoir, where they have this sweet dam, and one to Buffalo, WYO which is only 30 minutes away and is home to Fort Phil Kearny, in this Battle at fort kearny, there were no survivors.  Believe it, I read it on the Monument. 

Trying to Learn Something

Fetterman Monument

Cleaning the Sand Filter

Pools are Gross
The other day I received the honor of cleaning both sand filters for the main pool and the baby pool.  And Oh what an honor it is.  You have to climb up the little ladder, take the top off that has a wrench sticking off it, reach in and unscrew random parts and pieces and then start cleaning all the dirty cotton off the top of that sand, so the pool will work correctly.  Then to get the lid back on and sealed correctly you have to use this goop, called magic lube.  It gets everywhere!

The Sand I cleaned out of the big filter

This is what your entire shirt looks like after you clean a sand filter.  The Joys of being a Recreation Professional.  Now I'm off to clean the pool vacuum :)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Saturday's A Shopping Day!

Jess and I hit the town on Saturday after I fixed some minor issues at the pool in the morning.

We went into every shop that I hadn't visited yet and walked through a few that I already know and love.

I was super excited to find these new earrings, that I immediatlty put on in this store called Bella Bling.

I never walked in there because I thought it was an expensive jewelry store, but come to find out, they have great stuff in there for super cheap.

Some of it was gody and amazing and other stuff was classicly beautiful for a cheap-skate price. 

Gotta Love Shopping Day!

My Favorite Cousin

Cousins are the Best

 Making Dinner, Jess Uses the Larget Knife possible to put into the smallest butter container
Jess told me about this really awesome way to make a coffee concentrate in large quantities.  It lasts quite a while and it's super easy to then make iced coffee with.  She didn't like that I was spending $4 a day on buying coffee.  I don't blame her. I didn't like it either.

I made Jess Banana Chocolate Chip pancakes for Father's Day Breakfast. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

10 reasons I love and miss my dad on fathers day

1) looney tunes impersonations 2) caring bear hugs 3) always telling me how pretty I am. I have great self esteem because of this 4)buying me things I didnt need because I was his only little girl 5) letting me know I could be anything I wanted as long as I took care of my mother 6) being a dad that knew when to punish and when shit went down, how to care 7) always feeling safe 8) his funny dirty jokes and for teaching me "two irishmen" 9) his strength in front of people after losing his leg 10) the way he loved/ loved to hate other people "you horses ass"

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

There She Blows

If  you've never seen it, you should for sure take the time to drive through Yellowstone National Park.  I didn't stop too many places but I stopped for Old Faithful, which was pretty spectacular and I got to see lots of buffalo and big horned goats. 
Home Home on The Range

Mckenzie Got Married

Isn't she just the prettiest.  So Happy for my bestie and Her new life adventure.